Hacking is extremely important especially in this age of securing any and all technological
services and devices. There are three many types of hackers and some of them are actually good people, some types include:
- White Hat - hackers who only hack accounts or devices that the owner or organisation told the hacker to hack.
- Grey Hat - This person is both a white hat and black Hat depending with their mood.
- Black Hat - Hacker we all know about the bad kind. This is a criminal with a very dangerous weapon a keyboard.
- hacktivist - This is what we call whistle blowers hackers who are activists.
what is hackinghacking is process of breaking and entering, getting access to things that you would not have access to normally some of the way you can use to hack include:.
- Use of programs. Aircrack-ng, Reaver.
- Use of Injection (javascript, sql,php). Mainly Website suffer this fate.
- Good old Infiltration and recon to get passwords.
Hacking for the wrong wrong is bad and you might be breaking the law, however Hacking can be a good practice and should be encouraged.visit my website
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